Saturday 25 October 2008

Atheist Bus

Sorry to spoil the party but much as I welcome an atheist “fight back” this one is a gesture not a campaign! And before someone says “look at the publicity” that will quickly fade, what is needed is a long term strategy.

A PR/marketing/advertising strategy first defines goals, it identifies the audience and only then does it embark on a creative approach.

Anecdotal evidence suggests that, with the exception of vociferous minorities the UK is not very religious, but many still think of themselves as culturally christian as evidenced by census results. But many of those who are not religious are not wholly rational either, they believe in conspiracy theories, alternative medicine, the Loch Ness monster etc.

Belief in something “outside ourselves” is regrettable but harmless so “god” is not the problem but religion certainly is. In my opinion it is the status and privileges that religion enjoys that need to exposed and undermined and the acceptance of the moral authority of religious leader that needs to be challenged. In my own small way that is what I have been doing in my correspondence with Mark Damazer over Thought for the Day (mentioned elsewhere on this site).
Getting back to the bus ads “probably no god” is about as unconvincing as it can be and as stated previously god is not the problem. So if money is still coming in then please get some professional advice on how to spend it more effectively.

1 comment:

Martin said...

One of the effects of the atheist bus campaign I noticed is that Theos had to re-write their press release.